ECE 325 – LAB,LEC,TUT 0.50 – Course ID: 011044 – Microprocessor Systems and Interfacing for Mechatronics Engineering

Synchronization and data flow; interfacing to sensors and actuators; microprocessor system architecture, parallel, serial, and analog interfacing; buses; direct memory access (DMA); interfacing considerations. [Note: Not open to students in Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering. Offered: W, S] Prereq: (GENE 121, ME 262, MTE 140; Level at least 3A Mechatronics Engineering) or (GENE 121, ME 262; Level at least 3A Mechanical Engineering/Mechatronics Option) or (SYDE 121, 192; Systems Design Engineering/Mechatronics Option). Antireq: ECE 324

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